Saturday, September 12, 2015

Kick Back and Read (KBAR)

Here is a link to the Kick Back and Read assignment.  Remember that you will be responsible for reading one book a month.  In addition, you will complete two blog posts that relate to your book of choice.  Use the attached KBAR assignment sheet as your guide for your two blog posts along with the rubric.  Please see me with any questions.  Your first book and two blog posts must be finished by OCTOBER 16th.

KBAR Assignment Link

KBAR Rubric

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Citizenship Reflection

Here is the writing prompt for your Citizenship Reflection.  Please title it "Citizenship Reflection."  When you label, or tag, this reflection, please label it with Humanities6.

This is due for homework tomorrow, Thursday, 9/10/15.  Please see me with any questions, comments, challenges, or concerns.

  • Be Kind: Rewind for Responsibility
    • Lots of little things make up good behavior, such as not littering, keeping quiet when people need to concentrate, and returning library books on time.

    • Writing Prompt: Try to think of a situation in which you fulfilled one of the small responsibilities. Think of another situation in which you did not fulfill a small responsibility. Are the "little" things really that important? Why or why not?  Write this reflection on your blog.  If you don’t have your iPad, write it on paper and turn into the “Exit Ticket” basket.

Grammar and Vocab Exercises Link

Here is a link to the grammar and vocab exercises we did in class today.  It is expected that you finish this in class so that we can review during class time.

Week 1: Grammar and Vocab Exercises

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Kid President - "Be More Awesome!"

Here is a link to Kid President's pep talk just in case you need some more positive vibes!